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The sheep enjoying a grazing session.
Meet Savannah, Alberta, Smiley, and Charlotte, Thelma & Louise!
Fresh grazing.
Meet Mom, the lead mare., visited by the Cashmere goat, Thelma.

Meet Ella, the friendliest farm dog.
While visiting The Farmhouse Sanctuary, you'll most definitely be greeted by the official welcoming committee, Ella; enjoying a short break sun bathing.
Unlikely friends but the best of friends.
Rooster Sergeant and Savannah.

Just a few of the horses.
Shiloh, the chocolate horse with his mom and two aunt's.
Relaxing...and gathering.
Sheep gang just finished breakfast.

Getting some shade on a calm day.
The three mustangs, Shiloh and mom along with his aunts.
Eating breakfast.
Meet the Jackasses...Jack, Jenny, Harold, and Gwennie. Far from their title, they're quite sweet in nature.

Out for a stroll and exploring the many wooded trails.
Jenny, Harold, and Gwennie.
New calves.
Little baby longhorns.

Donkey fun.
Simon rolling in the dust and loving every second.
New family member.
Pocahontas visiting with momma Eyebrow and her newborn calf.

Someone's thirsty.
Meet one of the offspring of our mustangs Artemis.
Stopping to smell the flowers.
This is our three legged cow, Elsie.

Taking a break.
Thelma on her throne.
Little chickens.

Water break.
Phoenix taking a water break.
Gate keeper.
Dixie, the Farmhouse Sanctuary's oldest rescue dog.

Say cheese.
This is Gabriel. He was thrilled to arrive at the Farmhouse Sanctuary after being mistreated in his previous residence.
Dusky day.
Donkeys walking in the morning fog.

Mollie says "hi".
Always cheery. She was rescued as a puppy and has loved every day at the Farmhouse Sanctuary. She keeps me company while feeding the animal crew.
Family time.
Donkeys and horses united.

Checkin' in.
Shiloh on the far left, his mom, Sarah is keeping him company.
Fresh calves.
More longhorn babies.

Time to drink and beg for extra treas..
Mom proudly showing off her little chicks.
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